Brainstorm 5 Teresa Bonilla
Art as a resilience practice is present through out the film Senorita Extraviada, it is highlighted towards the end of the film. The black crosses with the pink background, it is explained in Mexicana Enounters is meant to represent and call to mind both the the religious aspect of the women's death (cross) and their identity as a woman (pink). There is also an image shown of the woman's face filling the space of a cross on a black background. In Mexicana Enounters the question "did the cross deface the face?" is asked. I thought this was really interesting because in adding the facial aspect to this poster they are bringing the attention back to the women. Attention that the Mexican government was taking away. Mexican officials used the death of these women -- symbolized by the cross -- to erase their humanity. They ignored the issue and claimed that the women had done something, been somewhere, looked a certain way to provoke what happened to them. They repeatedly erased the true death of the women in Jalisco. In doing this the Mexican government acts as though the women are disposable. They were poor women,of darker skin color.Though race might not be at play in mexico in the same way it is in the united stated, colorism sure is. Point is that these women belonged to a number of 'social groups' that made their lives 'less valuble' to the government. These were not people whose deaths they were concerned with. This is social death.
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