Wednesday Draft Questions

1) In the article, Farmworkers are now deemed essential. But are they protected?, Monica Campbell gathers " 'So when the government says they're essential workers,' he said, 'the workers are responding, saying, 'Now we're essential?' " (Campbell, 2020) Is there a better way to resolve this issue of needing a constant food supply while protecting essential workers from COVID-19? How should the federal or state government get involved and lend support?
2) What do you think inspired the song, Sobreviviendo, to be composed and released? Do you find any similarities with music you have heard before?
3) In the article, Sobreviviendo: Immigration Stories and Testimonio in Song, Martha Gonzalez mentions "It became a space from which to discuss and create collective ideas among women, which simultaneously created a sense of community among all mujeres involved" (Gonzalez, 137). What do you think Gonzalez means by this statement? Can you think of any similarities to readings we have read or videos we have seen in the past?
4) In the article, Farmworkers are now deemed essential. But are they protected?, Monica Campbell states, "Weeks before the state imposed the shelter-in-place order, she said she began washing her hands more at work and encouraging her co-workers to do the same" (Campbell, 2020). It is interesting to see workers preparing for the COVID-19 crisis far in advance of government restrictions. Why was the government so slow at responding and how did that impact workers such as the ones discussed in the article?


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