5/27 Draft Questions

1. Female anti-mining activism has been largely ignored in the literature despite "impact[ing] disproportionately upon women" including "increasing violence" and "changing community power structures and economic relations," (Jenkins). Why do women choose to protest increased mining rather than these resulting social inequities?

2. Amaguana describes the polarization of wearing traditional clothing: "donning the anaco is considered a political act of protest and denunciation of the various forms of behaviors and attitudes that oppress anyone who is 'different'" (83). Why is maintaining a cultural practice or tradition considered an act of protest against the establishment?

3. Amaguana describes the root of discrimination as when "differences were conceived in a reductive manner... which later became the mechanism for domination, control, confinement, disciplining, and repression," (90). How can these dichotomies of differences be reframed to promote acceptance between previously separate groups?


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