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5/27 Monday Draft Questions - Olivia Brunner-Gaydos
- The article "Why COVID-19 is Hitting Washington Latinos Especially Hard," by Fowler and Kroman discusses how minority populations such as Hispanic or Latinos are starting to make up the majority of COVID cases in Washington. How does the treatment of minorities during this crisis mirror their normal treatment? How can this crisis help bring awareness to this?
- The radio station KDNA broadcasts on minorities in the Yakima valley through an informational and educational format. Are there any groups that broadcast this kind of information on the UW campus?
- Fowler's article "Undocumented Workers Fend For Themselves With Little COVID-19 Help" discusses how undocumented workers are suffering during this crisis. Although they aren't able to receive federal funding, could Washington State aid them in some way?
- How does the article "Undocumented Workers Fend For Themselves With Little COVID-19 Help" by Fowler express the importance of undocumented workers and lack of support for them?
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