Brainstorm Week 8 - Abby Hecko

The Ecuadorian Constitution grants ecosystems as rights-bearing entities, (Ecuador Grants...). Thus meaning ecosystems have “the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles,” (Ecuador Grants...). These rights granted to the ecosystem parallel the fight for women's political rights and power. Historically, women have spent their political lives locked away and hidden, whether this was in the form of groups of women gathered in homes to talk politics or hidden behind print companies. Women have been hidden and so have their rights. This mirrors how the environment's rights have been hidden as well. Through deforestation, pollution, and oil companies, the rights of these ecosystems have been lost. Thanks to activist groups and people coming together, the rights of these environments have been taken back. These resilience practices of fighting the mistreatment of the environment parallels the resilience of Chicanxfuturism. The fight for womens rights and the fight for environmental rights broth bring groups of people together to fight for a greater cause.


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