Live Blog #1 - Paul Druta
This altar by Ofelia Esparza really stood out to me in its beauty and the power of its message. Dona Ofelia described the piece as "Hijas de Juarez" as it is honoring the victims of femicide in Juarez, a tragedy that we learned about through various readings and videos in class. I found it very beautiful how Dona Ofelia emphasized that the point of the altar is to highlight the lives of these women, not the brutal ways that they died or disappeared. I especially liked the duality of the duality of the altar being so beautiful yet so filled with sorrow. Rosanna captured this by describing the lagrima (meaning "tears") style of the painting in the center of the piece. The lagrimas symbolize the tears of the families of the victims but the beauty of the painting highlights the fact that we can still cherish the victims lives.
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