Mon Draft Questions Week 10 - Emily Eckey
1. In "Programas Sin Verguenza," Monica de La Torre writes how public broadcasting is “an important place for the creation of locally produced and culturally relevant community media” (de La Torre 188). How are radio stations like KBBF-FM and KDNA representative of a new generation of alternative noncommercial stations that are more diverse in character?
2. The section “Who We Serve” on the KDNA website discusses how KDNA serves all communities in the lower Yakima Valley and specifically targets the Hispanic/Latino, farmworker, and other disadvantaged communities. As a reference to their mission statement, how will KDNA empower these communities to more fully participate in our multiethnic society?
3. Lilly Fowler’s “Why COVID-19 is hitting Washington Latinos especially hard” explains that communities of color now account for a larger share of positive COVID-19 tests. What are some factors that people of these communities must deal with compared to the overall population?
4. In “Undocumented workers fend for themselves with little COVID-19 help” by Lily Fowler, we learn that many undocumented immigrants do not benefit from state and federal programs that are helping unemployed Americans to pay their bills during COVID-19, even if they’ve been paying taxes in this country for many years. As a result of this lack of state and federal benefits for undocumented immigrants, how have cities taken matters into their own hands?
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