Monday Draft Questions - Albert Lam

  • From Why COVID-19 is hitting Washington Latinos especially hard, we learn the sad story behind "Luz Alvarez". Aside from harm that comes from contracting the disease itself, how else does the disproportionate level of risk that marginalized communities face introduce obstacles, hardships, and risk? What other facets of one's life does it touch?
  • In Undocumented workers fend for themselves with little COVID-19 help, a member of the Washington Dream Coalition says that "government should really be stepping up" to address the needs of undocumented immigrants that is currently unmet. If the needs of documented citizens are also unmet, what is the duty and responsibility of a government to address both parties' needs? How might they optimally address and prioritize different resources to different groups?
  • A large contributor to the lack of access and testing for marginalized communities was their relative lack of health insurance. How can governments and/or health care providers provide resources to undocumented and uninsured individuals who are afraid their usage of government resources may decrease their chance of citizenship?
  • One way that the City of Durkan is approaching increasing accessibility of resources for different communities is by "translating information about available resources into various languages." What are some other ways to increase the accessibility of these resources?


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