Thursday Draft Questions (5/14/20) - Pavithra Prabhu

My name is Pavithra Prabhu.

1. In the Youtube video “From Quito: Cayetana Salao” (6:59), the interviewee talks about how their international organizations and resources that work to reduce discrimination that a country may face; is it acceptable for governments to become dependent on these types of resources? Should they use these resources more heavily or less often?

2. “My rap isn’t feminine, but feminist” (Pg. 338, Somos Mujeres Somos Hip Hip). What is the difference between being feminine and feminist? Why is it important to distinguish the two?

3. “To cypher is to rap, break, beatbox tightly together in a circle where each person just might get a moment in the spotlight” (Pg. 1, Cyphers). This reminds me of the concept of Fandango; what are some similarities and differences between the two?

4. “Social media make it possible for these women to use multiple, and sometimes contradictory, voices that challenge the conventional notions of citizenship” (Pg. 1, Voicing Citizenship). How can voices on favor of the same idea be contradictory? How does the contradiction support or inhibit the final message?


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