Tuesday Draft Questions

1) Bani Amour, in "What Ecuador's Feminist History Can Teach Us All", writes that the Ecuadorian feminist movement is "intent on avoiding single-issue white feminism." While the Women's March is primarily run by women of color, why does white feminism still prevail today and what are your ideas for how we, after this quarter, can change this?

2) In the interview with Julieta Paredes, Paredes describes Communitarian Feminism as "a social practice that defines and develops social proposals from the perspective of women, reconceptualizing and creating concepts whist decrying others" (p. 122). She also says that it "challenges and contests the semantic field of feminism..." (p. 124). How can we put communitarian feminism into practice in the US and how do you challenge feminism as it is defined here and in Europe?

3) In "Dissidence and Communitarian Feminism", Julieta Paredes Carvajal writes that it is women "who are called forth...to solve economic crises, recessions, and all the other ways in which capitalism names its troubles." It what ways are we seeing women being called forth to solve the problems COVID-19 has pushed us into?


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