Wed. Draft Questions - Sarah Yang

1. In Refinery29’s video “These Women are Saving the Amazon”, Esperanza Martinez says “in order to function, capitalism has to, on one hand, exploit nature, but on the other hand, exploit women” (1:35). What are some examples of this right now? How are these Indigenous women combating this? 
2. In What Does It Mean to be an Indigenous Woman, Luz Maria de la Torre Amaguana wrote that the differences between Western and Indigenous women “were conceived in a reductive manner, or as a transgression of the norm, which later became the mechanism for domination, control, confinement, disciplining, and repression” (90). In what ways does this apply to society? Why or how is appearance a way that society controls people? 
3. Katy Jenkins writes how “women suggested that, as mothers, women’s concern for the wellbeing of future generations was greater, and presented this as a key factor in explaining their activism” in “Unearthing Women’s Anti-Mining Activism in the Andes” (452). How does this tie in feminism to environmentalism as well as Indigenous pride? Is there a way that this way of thinking is anti-feminist? 


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