Wed. Draft Questions Teresa

  1. On page four of "'Sobreviviendo': Immigration Stories and Testimonio in So it says “Regardless, I believe that the strong, mujer-driven tradition on the tarima made it easier for Entre Mujeres participants to interact with one another” Why do women have to find spaces to be able to interact with one another? 
  2. In the Revel article we see several instances of how the United States changes the value of migrant/immigrant workers (especially during COVID-19). Why is this an example of social death and why is the immigrant community more vulnerable to it than other communities? 
  3. Both the Revel and CNN articles discuss how minority communities, specifically latinx and african american are experiencing the effects  COVID-19 more heavily than others. How does the United States ‘benefit’ from allowing this to happen? 
  4. About 22:12- In the audio component of “Protesting Trump’s Immigration Policy Through Song” the host Felix Contreras talks about how you can also find artists using music to voice opposition during the civil rights era as well as the vietnam war. Why has music been and stayed a part of opposition movements?


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