Voicing the Sacrifices

Being in attendance was about dedicating time, thought, effort, and honor to those who have made sacrifices for us to be where we are. It was also honoring the tradition of ofrenda making. 

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The central ofrenda idea was "El Sueño" meaning the blossoming of those who have received the fruits of the sacrifices of their parents, along with the collective unique thoughts of those who added their ideas of what they would hope would be the better future for those after them. My personal ofrenda is about honoring the important and meaningful aspects of my life, which include mostly my family and how they have affected me, and my parents and how they have raised me. It's about honoring their efforts for me, as well as what the elements of water, air, fire and earth has come to mean for me. In the El Sueño ofrenda making, we were able to reflect what it means to us for honor our families and what our Sueño would look like, and how important it is for our family's sacrifices to not go unheard. 


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