Part C: After the Dia los Muertos Celebration
Part C: After the Dia los Muertos Celebration Step 1: As a group, pool together your uploaded individual photos and select the two best photos taken at the Dia de los Muertos celebration. Your group's selected photo editor will record the names of the people or objects in the photos as well as their dates and locations (the meta-data) and also explain why your group selected those two photos in particular (in 100 words or less). Step 2: As a group, assign one of four categories to your photos. The categories are those that we've learned about from Amalia's Mesa-Bain's reading: (1) focus on cultural identity; (2) narration of domestic space and/or narration of public space; (3) social critique; and (4) ceremonial/healing Step 3: The category editor will then explain your group’s categorization of the photos in no more than 50 words per photo and also ensure that the photos are tagged with the appropriate categories. Please post the information from all 3 steps above ...