Brainstorm Week 9 -Linda Barragan

The reading that was given this week goes more into the depth of the values of the indigenous people and the difference that come from western views. This differs from last week's readings because they had to do more with the environment and how it is important to maintain it. Million describes that to be indigenous it means "to live in relationship with the place where one is born" (97). This compares to last week's readings because it shows how one must have a relationship with their surroundings and respect that as well. Respecting the land is extremely important to the indigenous people. In The Goodlife, it states "Goodlife writing rectifies some destructive ecocritical practices, challenging the field to once and for all abandon its tacit approval of settler colonialism” (10). This is to prove that this type of writing creates an impact by making a practice to take care of the environment. Goodlife does not use conventional writings used previously, it takes a different approach.


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