Wednesday Draft Questions

By: YuYu Madigan

1) From the These Women are Saving the Amazon video, at 05:25 the speaker claims that "women have a very deep connection to Mother Earth and feel the need to protect her as women". Do you agree with this broad generalization? I am curious to know how you reacted to this statement.

2) In  “What does it mean to be an Indigenous Woman in Contemporary Times?"  the author remakrs that  "our long history has been vilified throughout centuries... and our knowledge has been invalidated". What kind of effects to a community can such unjust vilification and invalidation wreak? What are ways we can change the narrative?

3) In the Unearthing Women's Anti‐Mining Activism in the Andes: Pachamama and the “Mad Old Women the introduction outlines a summary of the women interviewed explaining ages, relation to the minining, demographics and more. What kinds of bias, if any, would you pull out from these early explained statistics?


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